Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 16 Aug 2013 at 09:47


The Peace of Puteoli enlarged the Triumvirate to include a fourth partner. Pompeius, possessing the islands, was to receive Peloponnesus as well. To recognition was added compensation in money and future consulates for himself and for Libo. The proscribed and the fugitives were to return. To Antonius, now urgently needed in the East, the new compact appeared to bring an ally in the West of much more value than Lepidus to check the power of his ambitious rival for the leadership of the Caesarian party. The young Caesar, strong in the support of the plebs and the veterans, would have to be watched.


諸島を所有していたが、Peloponnesus半島も受け取ることになった。承認に加えて、金銭的補償と、彼とLiboに対する将来の執政官の地位が与えられた。追放者と亡命者も戻ることになった。Antoniusはthe Eastで緊急に呼ばれていたが、新たな協定は彼にとって、Caesar派の主導権を争う野心的な彼のライバルの権力に歯止めをかける為には、Lepidusよりもずっと価値のある同盟者をthe Westにもたらしたように思えた。若きCaesarは平民と古参兵の支持を得て強く、見張っている必要があったのだ。

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