Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 62 / 1 Review / 11 Jul 2013 at 15:58

blub91 62 National University of Singapore









Good Afternoon.

Thank you for checking the items in my shop.
The goods are slated to arrive very soon and hence they are all brand-new.
New items have more market value in the market.

However, because we have brought inconvenience to you, we would be delivering the goods to you after we have received the delivery fee in addition to the 90 dollars.
This would also be the same for the other product.

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Reviews ( 1 )

mura 50 翻訳歴8か月
mura rated this translation result as ★★★ 11 Jul 2013 at 17:55

Good Afternoon.

Thank you for checking the items in my shop.
The goods are slated to arrive very soon and (hence)( すぐに入荷するからと言っても、新品だとはかぎらない)they are all brand-new.
New items have more market value in the market. (はずでした、という意味が入っていない。should have more value in ・・・・)

However, (because “ as”くらいの軽い表現の方がいいのでは?) we have brought inconvenience to you, we would be delivering the goods to you after we have received the delivery fee in addition to the 90 dollars. (ここ間違っています。90ドルに加えてということになります)we receive the additional $ 90 including the shipping charge.ではないでしょうか。
This would also be the same for the other product.
Would you like to proceed with the purchase?

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