Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 68 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 01 Jul 2013 at 17:10

jaga 68

The new merger will take the name DocDoc, bearing the same DocDoc logo design but wearing the corporate colours of DoctorPage (pictured right). It will have a large slice of the pie in the Singapore market, with a substantial presence in South Korea. DocDoc president Max-F. Scheichenost also revealed that three new countries are in the pipeline, too.

The resulting management team will see Grace Park, who boasts over 10 years of healthcare experience, reigning as CEO; Dawn Soo, who is a medical physician by training, as COO; Daniel Endres, former entrepreneur-in-residence at DailyDeal GmbH and operations manager at home24, as CIO; and Jon Samsel, managing director and founder at RoadLoans, as CMO.


新会社の社名はDocDocを取り、ロゴデザインは同じDocDocだがカラーはDoctorPageのものを採用する(右図)。DocDocはシンガポール市場で高いシェアを得ることになり、韓国での存在感も相当なものとなるだろう。またDocDocのプレジデントMax-F Scheichenost氏によると新たに3カ国でも準備を進めているという。

新しいマネジメントチームは以下の布陣となる。CEOにヘルスケア分野で10年以上の経験を誇るGrace Park氏、COOに医師としての教育を受けたDawn Soo氏、CIOにDailyDeal GmbHの元駐在起業家でhome24の運用管理者のDaniel Endres氏、CMOがRoadLoansのマネジングディレクター兼創業者のJon Samselだ。

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