Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 26 Jun 2013 at 16:12

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52 Ako ay isang Hapon na nakatira sa Pinas.





JTA, METI, JNTO and JETRO to cooperate for the Collective Action Plan for Promoting the Tourism

The second tourism-oriented country promotion ministerial meeting (headed by the prime minister) was held on June 11 and summarized the “Action Program towards Tourism-oriented Country”. In response to the action plan, Japan Tourism Agency, METI JNTO and JETRO made up the “Collective Action Plan for increasing the foreign visitors to Japan”

Those four government and government entities will actively be involved to strengthen the promotion for increasing the foreign visitors utilizing their tangible and intangible resources effectively.

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