Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )
Rating: 52 / 1 Review / 05 Jun 2013 at 18:48
写真左:ロシア現地法人様と調印 写真右:展示会の模様JAPAN EXPO IN RUSSIA2012に出展致しました。
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Continue to grow with the satisfaction of all those involved!
We exhibited at JAPAN EXPO IN RUSSIA2012.
Left side of the photo: Russian local legal person Signature
Right side of the photo: the Exhibition
We exhibited at JAPAN EXPO IN RUSSIA2012
Left side of the photo: Russian local legal person Signature
Right side of the photo: the Exhibition
Reviews ( 1 )
tsassa rated this translation result as ★★★
07 Jun 2013 at 07:21
Good trying!
Tsassa, because you gave me a very poor 3-star review, can you kindly let me know where you think it is poor?
Sorry jpenchtrans, didn't know it was you. As you can imagine, I never meant to discourage a fellow translator and never call it "poor." Instead I simply followed the review guideline in which three stars means 『いくつか間違いがあるが,読めます』 and four star means 『間違いはないが自然さにやや欠けます』, etc. With that said, the following are my comments.
”写真左” in this case means the left photo, and "写真右" the right photo.
"法人" means a legal corporate entity, not a person.
"調印" in this context means a signing ceremony, not signature.
These were incorrect understandings of the Japanese words, plain and simple.
Also see below for less critical items I also picked up.
"喜び" is more like pleasure, happiness, joyousness, each of which is an absolute and intrinsic feeling, whereas "satisfaction" is more like "満足," a state in which a certain standard is met, to a degree.
Also "の模様" was not translated. As with the previous comment exchange, it may be a matter of personal differences, but even in Japanese, if you simply say "展示会" this is supposedly sufficient but it actually isn't. So to just brush that part off and say, "It's a picture so they will know what it is by looking at it" is, in my belief, slighting the original text. So I would instead call it like "View of the Exhibition" or "Scene from the Exhibition," while fully aware that I would definitely simply call it "the Exhibition" if I wasn't translating.
OK, that's my 2 cents! Hope it helps... Cheers!
"Legal person" means a legal corporate entity, or a person. I am afraid this is basic common sense in general business English.
『法人』 is a "juridical (or judicial) person," not a "legal person." Also in actual business settings, when 『法人』 is mentioned in Japanese, it means a corporation, for or not for profit, 100% of the times. I hope this helps.
I am bewildered of what you intended to display by the above explanation. You are welcome!
『法人』 specifically means a judicial person, which always is a legal entity and excludes natural persons in Japanese. So if the word is translated "legal person" to include a possible reference to a natural person instead of a legal entity, that is plain wrong, and misleading at best.
It's like translating "じゃがいも" to "vegetables," while the original word only refers to potatoes. If you translate it to also cover carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins, etc., that's not right. By the same token, if the original words were known to mean a local business entity, it should been simply so translated (unless the words were unknown). Just ask the original poster or anybody who is proficient in Japanese, and they will tell you the same. I didn't mean to hurt your feeling or anything, jpenchtrans. I sincerely hope this helps, and all the best.
Well, if I were a judge, I would recommend a reliable Jp-En dictionary to decide the discussion between us. Do you agree? :-) Do you have a skype account? We might continue our discussions there.
What dictionary do you have? An online link?
Any dictionary as you like. Please choose one and look "法人"up by yourself.
OK, pick one and post a link.