Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 56 / 0 Reviews / 05 Mar 2011 at 18:02

autumn 56

お久しぶりです。ようやくe-bookの完成の目途がたちました。3/16に翻訳が終わります。3/17に原稿を送るので、簡単にProof readingをお願いできますか?もし、不自然な所があれば1週間後の3/23までに連絡頂けると助かります。よろしくお願いします。


Hello, how have you been? The e-book completion is finally in sight. The translation will be finished at March 16 and then I’ll send it to you at March 17. Would you please proofread it briefly? If you find something strange or unnatural in it, will you please let me know them by March 23, just a week later? I deeply appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.

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