Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 58 / 1 Review / 19 Apr 2013 at 12:55

christine_mi 58 I have a bachelor's degree in Global ...

RCMAX70にしようか悩んだけどハイパワーすぎて、まともに走行できなそうだからTwin Engineに決めました。 


Thank you for the message! It has been a long time, hasn't it. I have also been doing well.
The weather is quite nice in Tokyo as we have started heading towards the warm season.
Thank you for showing me the picture. I was surprised to see such a good-looking face! I'm envious; foreigners are so good-looking.
Is Ben uploading videos of running machines to Youtube? If he is, please let me know of his ID. :)
Right now, my machine is all scattered about and I can't work it....
I was troubled, thinking I should go with the RCMAX70, but it's too high-powered and I can't operate it at all, so I decided on the Twin Engine.

Reviews ( 1 )

takapitan 56 英検1級、TOEIC990点です。 タガログ語の翻訳もできます。
takapitan rated this translation result as ★★★★ 19 Apr 2013 at 15:09

バラバラで走行できない is disassembled and I can't operate it

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Additional info: ラジコンバギーに関する友人との会話です。