Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 03 Apr 2013 at 21:00


He sent and asked Octavian if he would allow the war to be decided by a naval engagement.Octavian,although he dreaded all naval encounters, which until now had turned out badly for him, considered it base to refuse, and, accordingly,accepted the challenge.A day was fixed by them, for which 300 ships were put in readiness on either side, provided with missiles of all kinds,with towers and whatever machines they could think of. Agrippa devised one called the "grip," a piece of wood five cubits long bound with iron and having rings at the extremities. To one of these rings was attached the grip itself, an iron claw, to the other numerous ropes, which drew it by machine power after it had been thrown by a catapult.


彼はOctavianに文書を送り、海戦で決着をつけてはどうかと申し出た。Octavianは、今や彼にとって脅威となった全敵海軍に対し非常に恐れを抱き、戦争を拒否することも大いに考えられたが、状況を考えた上でその申し出を受け入れた。どちらも、300の船や投げやりや弓矢などの戦いに必要な道具、やぐら、ほかにも考えられる装備を揃えられるように、戦いの日取りが設定された。Agrippa は、木でできた「グリップ」と呼ばれる、先端に鉄の輪がついた5キュービット程の長さの装置をを作った。1つの輪にはグリップが備えつけられ、1つには無数のかぎづめがついたロープがつけられ、石弓が放たれた後、装置の力でロープが引っ張られるようにした。

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Additional info: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。