Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 01 Apr 2013 at 08:16

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

and ordered him to set sail to the other side, whither he would shortly follow. He wrote to Agrippa and urged him to send Laronius with an army to the rescue of Cornificius with all speed. He sent Maecenas again to Rome on account of the revolutionists; and some of these, who were stirring up disorder, were punished. He also sent Messala to Puteoli to bring the first legion to Vibo.This was the same Messala whom the triumvirs proscribed at Rome, and for the killing of whom money and freedom were offered as rewards. He had fled to Cassius and Brutus, and after their death had delivered his fleet to Antony, in pursuance of an agreement made between them.


彼に、自分もまもなく後を追うから反対側に出帆するよう命じた。Agrippaにも手紙を書き、大至急Cornificiusの援護のため、軍隊と共にLaroniusを送るよう促した。またローマには革命家がいたため、Maecenasを再びローマに送り、この混乱を扇動している者達を罰した。彼はまた第1レギオンをViboに連れていくため MessalaをPuteoliに送った。このMessalaは三執政官らがローマで追放し、彼を殺した者に対し懸賞として金と自由が提供されていた、あの例のMessalaだった。彼はCassiusとBrutusの元に逃げ、彼らが死んだ後、Antonyとの間に結んだ合意に従って、その艦隊をAntonyに調達したのだった。

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