Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 29 Mar 2013 at 05:58

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

Meanwhile four more legions were en route to Lepidus from Africa in merchant ships, being the remainder of his army. Papias, one of Pompeius' captains, threw himself in their way on the sea, and, after they had received him as a friend (for they thought that these were ships sent by Lepidus to meet them), destroyed them. Some ships were despatched by Lepidus leisurely, and when these were approaching, the merchant ships that had escaped mistook them for other enemies and fled. So some of them were burned, some captured, some upset, and the rest returned to Africa. Two legions perished in the sea, or, if any of them could swim, Tisienus, the lieutenant of Pompeius, slew them when they reached the land.


一方、Lepidusが残してきた軍隊のさらに4つのレギオンが商船でアフリカからLepidusの元に向かっていた。Pompeiusの大佐の1人Papiasは、(彼らが敵と対戦するためにLepidusによって送られてきた船だと思ったため)彼らに友人として迎えられた後、海上を進んでいる彼らの船に体当たりして破壊した。何隻かの船はLepidusによってのんびりと派遣されたもので、これらの船が近づいてきた時、商船はこれを敵の船だと勘違いして逃げて行った。そして何隻かは燃やされ、何隻かは奪われ、何隻かは転覆し、残りの船はアフリカに戻った。2レギオンの兵士は海上で亡くなり、泳げる者がいれば、 Pompeiusの大尉Tisienusが彼らが岸に泳ぎついた時に殺害した。

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