Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 51 / 0 Reviews / 14 Feb 2011 at 22:09

ozaki 51

Recording and packaging. I think its just me but I have an aversion for playing live, although I've enjoyed it a lot before and have had very successful shows. I was in (we might be taking a break, actually) this band Totally Nebular and there was a while were we would play shows every weekend and a lot of those were great. We were really noisy, loud and energetic live. I've played 3 shows as Tree Hopping but none of them were as satisfying. But yeah, right now I only enjoy recording and packaging. Recording really puts me in my own world and in a great creative mood and packaging just puts all that recording into context. I think designing and making a package is just as important as the music.


録音と制作。自分だけだと思うんだけど、ライブがちょっと嫌いなんだ、勿論以前は結構楽しんだぜ、やったショーは大成功だった。このTotally Nebular(トータリー・ネビュラー)のグループにいて(でもちょっと休養するかもしれないが)毎週末にライブをやった時期もあった。ホントにでかい音でエネルギッシュなライブと評判だった。Tree Hopping(ツリー・ホッピング)として3回公演をしたけど、どれも満足できなかった。しかし、いまは録音と制作だけを楽しんでいる。録音はすごくクリエイティブな自分の世界に浸りきれるし、制作はその録音を製品に仕上げていく。パッケージのデザインや製作は音楽と同じくらい重要だ。

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