Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 06 Mar 2013 at 18:45

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

but collecting money from foreigners,Octavian was, by his favors,preoccupying the affections of the army and the desirable places in Italy;for that defrauding Antony he had freed Cisalpine Gaul,which had previously been given to Antony;that he had assigned to the soldiers almost the whole of Italy instead of the eighteen cities;that, instead of the twenty-eight legions that had participated in the battle,he had admitted thirty-four to a share of the lands and also of the money from the temples, which he had collected on the pretext of fighting Pompeius,against whom he had done nothing as yet, although the city was oppressed by famine; that he had distributed this money in order to curry favor with the soldiers,


外国人から金を集めているのに、Octavianはその好意によってイタリアの魅力的な場所で軍の兵士らの心を奪っている。そのため詐欺まがいのAntonyは以前自分に与えられたCisalpine Gaulを手放し、18都市に代わってイタリアのほぼ全土を兵士らに譲渡し、戦争に参加した28レギオンに代わって34レギオンに対し、土地と金を分けることを認めた。その金は、ローマ市は飢饉で苦しんでいるにもかかわらず、AntonyはPompeiusに対してまだ何もしておらず、そのPompeiusと戦うという口実の下、寺院から集めたものだ。Antonyは偏見によって、兵士らの機嫌を取るためにその金をばらまき、

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