Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 02 Mar 2013 at 21:06

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

who escaped to Thasos some took ship from thence, others committed themselves with the remains of the army to the judgment of Messala Corvinus and Lucius Bibulus, men of equal rank, to do for all what they should decide to do for themselves. These came to an arrangement with Antony and Octavian, whereby they delivered to Antony on his arrival at Thasos the money and arms, besides abundant supplies and a great quantity of war material, there in store.Thus did Octavian and Antony by perilous daring and by two infantry engagements achieve a success, the like of which was never before known; for never before had such numerous and powerful Roman armies come in conflict with each other.


Thasosから逃れた者のうち、ある者はそこから船を出し、ある者は残りの兵士と共に同等の地位にあったMessala CorvinusとLucius Bibulusに自分たちの身の処し方についての全ての判断を委ねた。この2人はAntony、Octavianと取り決めをし、AntonyがThasosに着いた時、そこに蓄えてあった豊富な食料や大量の軍需物資に加えて金と武器を渡すことで合意した。こうしてOctavianとAntony 危険を犯し、その大胆さと2団の歩兵隊の活躍によって成功を手に入れたが、かつてこのような前例、すなわち、これほど多くの強力なローマの軍隊が互いに戦うような例はなかった。

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