Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 02 Mar 2013 at 19:06

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

So died Cassius and Brutus.Antony found the body of Brutus,wrapped it in the best purple garment,burned it, and sent the ashes to his mother,Servilia, Brutus's army, when it learned of his death, sent envoys to Octavian and Antony and obtained pardon,and was divided between their armies. It consisted of about 14,000 men. Besides these a large number who were in the forts surrendered. The forts themselves and the enemy's camp were given to the soldiers of Octavian and Antony to be plundered. Of the distinguished men in Brutus' camp some perished in the battles,others killed themselves as the two generals had done,others purposely continued fighting till death.Among these men of note were Lucius Cassius and Cato.


それでCassiusとBrutusは亡くなった。AntonyはBrutusの遺体を見つけ、最良の紫の衣装に包み焼き、その灰を母であるServiliaに送った。Brutusの兵は彼の死を知り、 OctavianとAntonyに使者を送り、許され二人の下に分かれて迎えられた。約14,000 人である。この他に要塞で降伏した多くの兵がいた。要塞と兵舎はOctavianとAntonyの兵に略奪された。Brutusの兵舎の中で有望なもののうち、何人かは戦いで滅び、他は2人の将軍同様、自殺し、その他はし死ぬ迄戦い続けた。これらの中で記しておくべきはLucius CassiusとCatoである。

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Additional info: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。