Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 24 Feb 2013 at 00:30

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

When the news of the overthrow of Antony at Actium was forwarded by Octavian this same Cicero, as consul, announced it to the people and affixed it to the rostra where formerly his father's head had been exhibited. Appius distributed his goods among his slaves and then sailed with them to Sicily. Being overtaken by a storm, the slaves formed a plot to get possession of his money, and placed Appius in a small boat, pretending to transfer him to a safer place; but it turned out that he reached the port most unexpectedly, while their ship was wrecked and they all perished. Publius, quaestor of Brutus, was solicited by the party of Antony to betray his chief, but refused, and was for that reason proscribed.


AntonyがActiumで敗北したという知らせがOctavianによって伝えられた時、同じことを執政官のCiceroが人々に伝え、彼の父の首がさらされた演壇に貼られた。Appiusは彼の持ち物を奴隷たちに分け、彼らとSicilyに向かった。嵐に襲われ、奴隷たちは彼の金を奪おうと企み、Appiusを小さな船に乗せ、彼を安全な場所に移すふりをした。しかし期待を裏切り彼は港に着き、彼らの船が遭難し消え去った。 Brutuの役人、Publiusは, Antonyの仲間から主人を裏切るよう誘惑されたが断り、その為、処罰者のリストに載った。

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