Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 57 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 23 Feb 2013 at 14:51

tatsuoishimura 57 経済、法務、マーケティング関連分野を中心に、英-日、日-英翻訳を行います。...

Since the loot was randomly generated, like the numbers on a slot machine, Blizzard had to remove the auction house game from the South Korean version of the game to satisfy the country’s strict antigambling provisions.

Cesar and Edgar Miranda are two young developers who have won hackathons, where the goal is to build a game in a weekend. The brothers, who rent rooms from their parents in San Jose, have spent the last few weeks refining their game, Claw Crane.



セザールならびにエドガー・ミランダは、一回の週末でゲームを構築することを目標とするハッカーソンに勝った2人の若い開発者だ。サンノゼで彼らの両親から数部屋を賃借し、彼らのゲームのClaw Craneを洗練することに最後の数週間を費やした。

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