Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 19 Feb 2013 at 05:12

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

his praetorship, the people tore his house down, and the Senate condemned him to death. Octavian ordered him to depart to his brother, and it is said that he took ship and was never seen again.These things accomplished, Octavian formed his plans for a reconciliation with Antony, for he had learned that Brutus and Cassius had already collected twenty legions of soldiers, and he needed Antony's help against them. He moved out of the city toward the Adriatic coast and proceeded in a leisurely way, waiting to see what the Senate would do. Pedius persuaded the senators, after Octavian had taken his departure, not to make their differences with each other irremediable, but to be reconciled to Lepidus and Antony.


Quintus Galliusのプラエトルの職を剥奪し、市民は彼の家を取り壊し、元老院は彼を死罪にした。Octavianは彼に兄弟のところへ立ち去るよう命じ、彼は舟に乗り、その後彼を見たものは誰もいなかったという。これらの事が成し遂げられるとOctavianはAntonyとの和解の計画を作った。それはBrutusとCassiusがすでに兵士20レギオンを徴兵しており、彼らに対抗するためにはAntonyの援助が必要だったからだ。彼は町を出るとアドリア海に向かってゆっくりと進み、元老院がどうするか様子を窺った。Octavianが出発した後、Pediusは、互いに意見を違いを際立たせて取り返しのつかないことになる前にLepidusとAntonyと和解するよう元老院議員らを説得した。

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