Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 17 Feb 2013 at 16:51

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

So he secretly sent forward a force to scare away the convoy, and they took to flight with the money.When the news of Octavian's approach reached the city there was immense confusion and alarm. People ran hither and thither, and some conveyed their wives and children and whatever they held most dear to the country and to the fortified parts of the city, for it was not yet known that he aimed only at securing the consulship. Having heard that an army was advancing with hostile intentions, there was nothing that they did not fear. The Senate was struck with consternation since they had no military force in readiness. As is usual in cases of panic they blamed each other.


それで彼は護送隊を追い払うためにこっそり前に進んだ。彼らは金を持って逃げた。 Octavianが市に接近しているという知らせを聞き、 大きな混乱と驚きが沸き起こった。人々はあちこち逃げ回り、あるものは妻や子供、そして持てる大事なものを持って市の要塞化された部分に逃げた。彼が貴族院の議席確保の為だけに来ているという事を彼らはまだ知らなかったのだ。軍隊が敵意を持って進んで来ていると聞き、恐れずにはいられなかったのだ。貴族院はすぐに使える軍がいない為、驚きに打たれ、いつものようにパニックでお互いを罵りあった。

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Additional info: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。