Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 74 / 0 Reviews / 15 Feb 2013 at 18:24

oier9 74 より分かりやすい翻訳を目指しています。よろしくお願いします。

Every NO gets you closer to a YES

In most sales bibles, it is decreed “every NO gets you closer to a YES”. The more people you pitch to, the more doors you knock on, the more cold calls you make, and the more sales you will close. Don’t be afraid to be turned down by investors or turn them down. Keep knocking on potential investors’ doors and you will get there.

There is the much fancied “80/20” rule, where 20% of who you speak to will give you 80% of your desired funds. If you need $200,000, you need to speak more than 20 potential people about it and you are likely to 4 - 5 investors to commit the amount.





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