Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 63 / 0 Reviews / 09 Feb 2013 at 14:17

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 63

One of the tribunes of the people having died Octavian favoured the election of Flaminius as his successor. The people thought that he was ambitious of this office for himself, but that he refrained from being a candidate because he was under age, and accordingly, they proposed to cast their votes for him for tribune. The Senate begrudged him this increase of power, fearing lest, as tribune, he should bring the murderers of his father before the popular assembly for trial. Antony, either to curry favour with the Senate, or to appease its dissatisfaction with the law respecting Cisalpine Gaul, or for private reasons, gave public notice, as consul, that Octavian should not attempt anything contrary to law;


亡くなった人々の護民官の中でOctavianはFlamniusを自分の後継者として選ぶことに賛成した。人々は彼が自分自身のためにその職務を熱望していると考えたが、彼は未成年であることを理由に志願者となることを控えた。その結果、彼らは彼を護民官にするように投票することを計画した。議会は彼がこのように徐々に力を増すことを妬み、護民官として彼が父親殺しの犯人たちを裁判にかけるために民衆議会に連れてきはしないかと恐れた。Antonyは、Senateのご機嫌を取るためか、Cisalpine Gaulに関する法の不満足を和らげるため、もしくは個人的な理由から、護民官として、Octavianは法に反するどのようなことも企ててはならないという公告を出した。

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