Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 04 Feb 2013 at 10:28

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

Octavian approved of this policy and promised to adopt it in action, and forthwith sent around to his friends the same evening, asking them to come to the forum early in the morning and bring a crowd with them. There presenting himself to Gaius Antonius, the brother of Antony, who was the city praetor, he said that he accepted the adoption of Caesar; for it is a Roman custom that adoptions are confirmed by witnesses before the praetors. When the public scribes had taken down his declaration, Octavian went from the forum straightway to Antony. The latter was in the gardens that Caesar had given to him, which had formerly been Pompey's.


Octavianはそれは賢明な方策だと認め、それを実行に移し、その夜早速、早朝群衆と共にフォーラムに来るように申し送った。フォーラムでOctavianはAntonyの兄弟で法務官をしていたGaius Antoniusに自己紹介した。ローマの慣習で養子縁組は法務官の前で証言することで確認されていたため、Octavianは自分はCaesarとの養子縁組を受け入れると述べた。書記官がOctavianの宣言を書き留めた時、OctavianはフォーラムからまっすぐAntonyのところへ向かった。Antonyは以前Pompeyが所有していたCaesarから譲り受けた庭にいた。

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