Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 24 Jan 2013 at 04:22

goodtranslation 50 Goodtranslation代表翻訳者 契約書といったビジネス文書から...

Speaking with Bloomberg today about Apple’s upcoming earnings call,Piper Jaffray’s Apple analyst Gene Munster said his most recent checks with suppliers in Asia and industry sources indicate Apple is moving to release a full-fledged television this year with a new remote.This is of course not the first time the analyst has predicted Apple will release an HDTV—rather than an updated set-top box—in 2013…

Munster is expecting the Apple TV set to be one of three catalysts to help investors get behind Apple stock again in 2013.The other two are a Retina iPad mini in March and a low-cost iPhone later in the year.



マンスター氏の予測では、投資家のアップル社株の支持に回るきっかけには3つあり、テレビ参入はその1つで、他の2つについては3月のRetina ipad miniと今年後半に発売とされる低コストiphoneであるとしている。

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