Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 22 Jan 2013 at 17:22


It’s an interesting strategic move, and likely an attempt to preempt Qihoo’s potential overseas expansion by getting to the Southeast Asian market — where it seems many Chinese companies are headed — before Qihoo. It’s the sort of move that probably really annoys Qihoo CEO Zhou Hongyi, and frankly that might be reason enough for some people at Baidu to move ahead with the strategy.


これは興味深い戦略だ。東南アジア市場には多くの中国企業が参入を目指しているようだが、BaiduはおそらくQihooに先駆けて東南アジアへ参入することで、Qihooの海外進出の可能性に先手を打とうと試みているのだろう。おそらく、QihooのZhou Hongyi最高経営責任者にとって、これは本当にいらいらさせられる動きだ。率直に言って、それこそBaiduの関係者がその戦略をとった理由なのかもしれない。

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