Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 61 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 02 Jan 2013 at 23:12

transcontinents 61 ビジネス文書作成、交渉、輸出入実務の経験があり、ビジネス関連コミュニケーシ...

He perceived that they hated Antony on account of his conduct as master of the horse and also for his failure to punish the assassins. Hence he undertook to become tribune as a starting point for popular leadership and to secure the power that would result from it; and he accordingly became a candidate for the place of Cinna, which was vacant. Though hindered by Antony's followers, he did not desist, and after using persuasion upon Tiberius Cannutius, a tribune, he was by him brought before the populace; and taking as his pretext the gift bequeathed the people by Caesar, he addressed them in appropriate words, promising that he would discharge the debt at once and giving them cause to hope for much besides.


彼は、主馬頭としての行動や暗殺者を罰しなかったことに関して大衆がAntonyに反感を持っていると感じていた。そこで彼は大衆を起点として統率力を高れば権力を握ることができると睨んだ。そうして彼は誰のものでもないCinnaの土地を手に入れるべく手を挙げた。Antony支持者の陰に隠れながらも、Tiberius Cannutiusの説得を利用して大衆の前に立ち、Caesarの遺産を人々に分配すると言う名目の下、適切な言葉を使い、債務を免除することを約束して人々に希望を与えた。

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Additional info: 固有名詞は訳さないでよいです。