Translator Reviews ( English → Native Portuguese (Portugal) )
Rating: 51 / 1 Review / 01 Dec 2012 at 08:42
The one who decided to ask him to write the script is the theatre circle's advisor, Kanzaki Hikari. The excellent young doctor originally worked hectically at a university hospital, but is now employed as Moulin Academy high school's school doctor for many weeks.
"Run, Melos" is a Greek play. It starts just after Melos, who was imprisoned by a tyrant and is to be killed, asks a friend to present himself to the tyrant as a substitute so that Melos can appear at his younger sister's wedding ceremony, telling his friend he would definitely return.
Foi Hanzaki Hikari, responsável pelo teatro, quem lhe pediu que escrevesse o guião. O fantástico jovem médico trabalhou inicialmente de forma árdua no hospital da universidade, mas ocupa agora o posto de médico na Academia Moulin há já várias semanas. "Run, Melos" é uma peça grega. Esta começa logo depois de Melos, aprisionado por um tirano e condenado à morte, pedir a um amigo que o substitua para que possa ir à cerimónia de casamento da sua irmã mais nova, assegurando-lhe que regressará.
Reviews ( 1 )
Excellent translation