Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 29 Nov 2012 at 11:38

812930sloe_tequila 50 留学経験: 有。 米国North Central H.S.(交換留学生) ...

The Sydney Morning Herald cites numbers from Japan’s Camera and Imaging Products Association that say global shipments of digital cameras from Japanese companies are down 42 percent in September compared to the same time the year before. While some of this is due to a high yen and widespread boycotts of Japanese products in China, the effects that smartphones have had on the industry shouldn’t be underestimated.


The Sydney Morning Heraldは日本製カメラの数について言及し、Imaging Products Associationは日本企業によるデジタルカメラの海外向け出荷が9月は前年比42%減だという。これは円高や中国での日本製品ボイコットが一因だが、当該業界にsmartphoneが及ぼした影響も見逃してはならない。

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