Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 59 / 0 Reviews / 05 Nov 2012 at 14:51

mydogkuro11 59 翻訳歴3年

12ヶ月それぞれに印象を当てはめました/寒に咲く椿のように凛とした人/ 春を告げる梅のようにかぐわしい人/ 蕾ふくらむ桜のように夢を育む人/ 大輪の牡丹のように雅やかな人/ 風に香る薔薇のように気高い人/ 沢に咲く笹百合のように清々しい人/ 水に浮かぶ睡蓮のように涼やかな人/ 灼熱に咲くハイビスカスのような情熱の人/ 一夜咲く月下美人のように神秘的な人/ 風にゆれるコスモスのようにしなやかに強靭な人/ 群青の空を背に咲く白菊のように潔い人/ 夜会を彩る蘭のように華のある人/


I have applied each characters to 12 months/ A dignified person as camellias that bloom in coldness/ An aromatic person like plum-blossoms that tell spring coming/
A person who grows his dream like cherry-blossoms in fat bud/ A refreshing person like bamboo lilies in marsh/A cool person like water lilies floated on water/
A passional person like hibiscuses that bloom in incandescent/ A mysterious person like night-blooming cereus that bloom through a night/A flexible and tough person like cosmos wavering in wind/A manfully person like white chrysanthemums that bloom with ultramarine sky for background/ An attracting person like an orchids that ornament night party.

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