Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 48 / 0 Reviews / 09 Oct 2012 at 18:35

032982eloisa_ 48 日本で中学校・高校卒業。 通訳・翻訳者としてフィリピンの日本製造業者10...

Procedure for the purchase of real estate in Greece
The main steps for individuals or legal entities to purchase real estate in Greece are:
• Acquisition of a Greek tax number (in case the prospective purchaser, individual or legal entity is not a Greek resident/ does not already have a Greek tax number);
• Legal review of the titles of ownership at the competent Land Registry (ypothikofylakeio) and, if applicable, Land Titles Office (ktimatologio). Further searches at other authorities may also be needed depending on the type of property (e.g. the City Planning authorities, the Forest Inspection Department, the Department of Antiquities etc);


* 土地登記所でのタイトルの所有権の法律上批評、(ypothikofylakeio)または必要な場合、Land Titles Office (ktimatologio). 他の当局の更なる検索が、所有物のタイプに従い必要の可能性があります。(例:都市計画当局、森林検査部、古代遺物部等)

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