Translator Reviews ( Indonesian → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 30 Sep 2012 at 23:42

riskapoer 50 Native Indonesian Translator, Virtual...

Ya.. hidup memang pernuh perjuangan… sebagaimana hidup yang lg gw jalanin… banyak kegagalan,kekecewaan dan kenyataan yang tak sejalan… hidup penuh cobaan apalagi jika kita lagi dalam keadaan menerima kenyataan pahit. Kadang pikiran negative selalu muncul.. keyakinan hati akan jalan yang kita tempuh diuji.. membuat semangat menurun apalagi keinginan untuk maju… ga mudah mengembalikan passion yang udah kita dapet selama ini.. entah rasa iu memuai kemana… banyak pertanyaan dalam diri yang membuat kita ragu untuk melangkah… apalagi gw masih berstatus mahasiswa
Keep it on! Life is full of struggle… just trust yourself..


Yes, Life is full of struggle... Just like the life I am living in.. A lot of failures, disappointment and the fact that didn't go trough with it.. Life is full of temptations, especially when we are in the situation of accepting the bitter truth. Sometimes negative thoughts are always turn up, Faith of heart for the path we're living is being tested. Makes the spirit goes down and much less desire to move forward... It's not easy to taking back the passion that we already got these times.. I don't know where it takes to... So many questions inside that make us in doubt to take steps... Then the fact thant I'm still a student.
Keep it on! Life is full of struggle... just trust yourself..

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