Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 05 Sep 2010 at 10:43

whalewatcher 50 翻訳学校で実務・出版・映像翻訳の基礎を学びました。現在フリーランスで翻訳を...

Much of the loss can be traced to the draining and filling of these areas to convert them into farmlland or in more recent decades, valuable waterfront property.

Of course, developers tend to choose the third opinion, since it allows them to eliminate a wetland in one place and re-create it in a location that's more suitable for the development plan.

In this process, known as inkind replacement, if a forested wetland is going to be eliminated, then the developer has to replace it wtih a forested wetland.

Considering that statistic, you have to wonder whether the process of mitigation will ever achieve its intended goal of creating wetlands with ecological value equal to the wetlands lost.






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