Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 18 Sep 2012 at 15:12


Zhou commented (translations are mine):

Search engines should be an open platform, where distributions are spread across to many other sites. […] Search engines should not just contain data and fail to put it to better use.

Zhou also reflected that there are plenty of high quality vertical searches out in the market that no one gives a damn about. He is open to the idea of working with smaller web companies, so as to give its users a more professional set of search results. Earlier this week, 360 Search focused on its users’ experience with the launch of the “like Project” allowing social search recommendations – like with Google and G+ – in its own 360 Browser for Windows.




Zhou氏はさらに、市場の外で誰も関心を持っていないたくさんの優秀なバーティカル検索が存在する点についても考えている。同氏は、ユーザーに対して質の高い検索結果を提供するため、小さなウェブ企業と提携することにも前向きだ。今週早く、360 Searchは「Like Project」を導入、同社のWindows用360 Browserにおけるユーザーエクスペリエンスに焦点を合わせた。これで、ちょうどGoogleとG+のように、ソーシャルレコメンデーションを検索結果に反映させることができるようになる。

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