Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 08 Sep 2012 at 18:59

goodtranslation 50 Goodtranslation代表翻訳者 契約書といったビジネス文書から...

For a different and more face-to-face approach to learning a new tongue, the city of Shanghai is also home to iTalki, which wrapped up some seed funding earlier this month.

As for OpenLanguage, it has some broader aims than just its subscriptions and SaaS. Jenny explains:

One of the ultimate goals of OpenLanguage is to use study data to produce a Language Graph as an alternative to traditional language proficiency tests as a more truthful reflection of one’s real life language competency. This is something that has never been done before.

Check out the OpenLanguage apps on its homepage.



OpenLanguageについては、購読以上の幅広い狙いがあるとSaaS. Jennyさんは説明する。



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