Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 47 / 0 Reviews / 09 Aug 2010 at 22:36

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 47

ご報告ですが、 あなたから紹介いただいた会社の担当者とコンタクト済みで進捗については追って報告します。また、 A社には、ショーの予定は現在ないことを説明して8月23日週に東京展示会の呼び込みをしました。 もう一度確認ですが、前シーズンは7月末に全量入荷でしたが、今シーズンはまだ残り500ピースほどあります。


Regarding the final order of Men's, can be able to extend it on September 4 because we will approach the cliant too in the Rooms exhibition during the week of the 30th in Tokyo.
It is for your information but we've contacted the person in charge in the company that you introduced and we will inform you later of that. Also, we explained to A that the show was not scheduled now and told them to come to the Tokyo exhibition on the week, August 23. It is a confirmation again but, there is still about 500 remainder piece this season though the former season was whole quantity arrival of goods at the end of July.

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