Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 12 Jul 2012 at 01:25

sandia 50

We are humbled when people get inspired by us. We believe the strength in Burpple lies in our ability to continually push the boundaries of innovation, be versatile to learn, and adapt to different cultures of the world.

Chinese food culture is deep and its history is long, and with China being one of Burpple’s most popular countries – we felt it was natural to localize the app and integrate with the popular China social network, Sina Weibo, to enable our Chinese users to use Burpple more effortlessly.



中国料理の文化は深く、長い歴史を持っており、中国は Burple がもっとも人気のある国の一つです。ローカライズし、中国で人気のあるソーシャルネットSina Weiboと統合し、中国人ユーザーがより簡単に Burple を使えるようにしたのは、自然な流れだと私たちは考えます。

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