Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 03 Jul 2012 at 12:44

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 50

The most inexpensive way to enjoy our classes this summer is to buy an 8 or 10 Class Pass. After doing that you just need to let us know, by ::CONTACT FORM::, email, or phone (050-5534-3984) which days you are planning to attend (at least 12 hours in advance). The first time you show up to class, we'll give you a stamp card. Buy the Class Passes through form below (click "Read More" if you're viewing this from the home page), and we'll be in touch with payment details shortly.

We're running 4 classes with 30 sessions total between July 7 and September 5, so you'll have plenty of dates to choose from!


Thank you for signing up for a class pass! Someone will email you shortly to arrange payment.


今夏のクラスを受講するにあたりましては、8回または10回のパスを購入していただくのが一番お買い得です。パスをご購入いただきましたら、Eメールまたはお電話(050-5534-3984)で、受講される日付をご連絡ください。(受講される12時間前までにお知らせください。)初めてクラスに参加される際、スタンプカードを差し上げます。パス券は下記のフォームよりお買い求め下さい。(ホームページからご覧になっている方は「Read More」をクリックして下さい。)お支払いの詳細については折り返しすぐにご連絡差し上げます。




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Additional info: Article about buying a class pass to our summer acting classes. Last part is the confirmation customers get after signing up.