Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 08 May 2012 at 11:46

chiakipenguin 50 英語で修士論文書いたことがあります。 オンラインショッピングと旅行が好き...

“Meet effort with effort. Every user who takes the time to engage with your brand should be acknowledged and cared about like they were friends of yours on your personal social networks. That means answer everything, but more importantly care about everything (and everyone) who cares about your brand. Highlighting the people who champion your brand spreads the most goodwill and usually results in the most ‘Likes’, comments, retweets, etc.”
– Jonathan Goldmann, social media manager at Jetsetter

Nailing Your Tone


--- Jetsetter ソーシャル・メディア・マネジャ ジョナサン・ゴールドマン


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