Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 68 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 09 Apr 2012 at 16:35

zhizi 68

Alternatively, the seller can pass the customer a unique code, say abc123, which the customer will then key into an ibon machine to generate a receipt. The 7-Eleven counter will then charge the customer based on the receipt and then transfer the payment to the seller. Once the seller receives the money, he/she will ship the product directly to the customer.

Of course, consumers can also opt to pay through rival Family Mart, another smaller chain of convenience stores. Somehow these stores have become a logistics and payment partner for e-commerce stores in Taiwan. We saw this yesterday with the events and ticketing startup Accupass.


あるいは、代金引き換え払いのかわりに、販売者は購入者に対しある特定のコード(例えば、abc123)を連絡し、購入者はその番号を ibon という機械に入力してレシートを作成する。セブン-イレブンは、そのレシートに基づいて購入者からの料金を受け取り、販売者にその支払を転送する。販売者はお金を受け取ってから、購入者に商品を直送する。


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