Translator Reviews ( English → Native Japanese )

Rating: 68 / 0 Reviews / 05 Mar 2012 at 01:51


Vision: Distance vision is blurry. However, the ability to distinguish light from dark and close vision is reasonably good. Babies at this age have trouble maintaining focus. Babies prefer organized, symmetrical faces, which provide them with a sense of calm. Often, new parents will notice that their babies' eyes look crossed. This is due to underdeveloped eye muscles. Babies at this age can only see reds, oranges and greens.

Hearing: All babies should have their hearing tested at birth. Science previously believed that 2 years of age was the optimum time for the first hearing test, but today we know that newborns can discriminate between volume, pitch, tone, and ascending and descending tones.


視力: 遠くはぼやけて見えますが、明暗を見分けることはでき、近くはある程度見えています。この頃の赤ちゃんにとって、焦点を維持することは難しいことです。赤ちゃんは、落ち着いた気持ちになるので、きちんとして、均整がとれた顔を好みます。よくある事ですが、初めて親になると、我が子が寄り目であることに気付く親がいます。これは、目の筋肉が十分発育してないことに起因しています。この頃の赤ちゃんは、赤とオレンジと緑しか見えません。


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