Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 44 / 0 Reviews / 02 Mar 2012 at 17:39

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[deleted user] 44

最近、「震度7」を超える大地震が東京を襲う(かもしれない)というニュースをよく見ます。しかし、この震度7の破壊力の程度を具体的に説明している資料はまだ見たことがありません。「固定していない家具のほとんどが移動したり倒れたりし、飛ぶこともある。」「壁、梁(はり)、柱などの部材に、斜めや X状のひび割れ・亀裂が多くなる。1階あるいは中間階の柱が崩れ、倒れるものが多くなる。」等が気象庁の説明ですが、具体的に揺幅が何メートルで何分揺れるという具体的な記載がなく、曖昧な感じを受けます。


We often hear the news that there might be a major earthquake bigger than magnitude 7 in Tokyo; nevertheless I haven't read any documents explaining the details about how destructive it would be. "Most of free standing furniture would move or fall down or be flown away," "Many walls or beams may get cracks of X shape or going across on them. Many of the pillars on the first or middle floors might collapse," are some of the explanations of the Meteorological Agency but the detailed explanations such as how many meters wide the range of the ground shakes might be and how long the trembles might last wouldn't be found anywhere. They sound ambiguous to me.

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