How do I get my old photos to become originals?
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to get photos uploaded previously in their original size. The original size photos will only be stored on the New Photobucket, and any images uploaded previously before the switch over will not have their original sizes available. Only the web-size version will be available for previously uploaded photos.
Why is the image I see not my original?
The originals are stored on our servers for you to access at any time, but they are too large for linking purposes. A web-size version is created for the purpose of linking and editing.
This keeps bandwidth used on your account low, and will allow faster loading of the images where they are linked out.
How can I access my originals?
There are two ways to download your original stored photos. The first option to download the image individually, which will you find under the option drop down tab, when viewing the image in full view. The second option is download the album, which will download all of the images in their original sizes.
Printing and your originals:
When you print a photo through our Partners at Lifepics, they will always use the original size image for your prints. You may contact them here if you have any questions about ordering prints.