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[Translation from English to Japanese ] MIIT: Mobile Phones Now Most Popular Way to Access Web in China The folks at...

Original Texts
MIIT: Mobile Phones Now Most Popular Way to Access Web in China

The folks at China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) are always churning out interesting statistics about the internet, and here’s the latest: mobile phones are now the most popular way people access the internet in China, beating out traditional computers for the first time ever as of the end of June. MIIT rep Zhang Xinsheng also revealed specifics; as of late June, China had more than 538 million total internet users, and 388 million total mobile internet users. And in case you’re wondering just how far China has come, Zhang pointed out that China’s internet users have increased 867 times compared to the number of net users the country boasted 15 years ago. Also interesting: according to Zhang, migrant workers are starting to become netizens too thanks to internet-ready phones; more than 1.4 million migrant workers have accessed the internet via their mobiles. Rural netizens are also on the rise, with rural internet users totaling 146 million, or 27 percent of China’s total internet user base.

Zhang also said that mobile messaging apps are growing with impressive speed; that’s news that shouldn’t surprise any of our readers who have been following the expansion of mobile apps like Sina Weibo and Tencent’s WeChat.
Translated by takeshi64
MIIT代表のZhang Xinsheng氏は次のように語った。6月末現在、中国のインターネットユーザーは5億3800万人にものぼり、そのうち3億8800万人が携帯電話を使用している。中国もここまで進んだのかと驚いている。同氏は、中国のインターネットユーザーが、15年前の867倍になっていると指摘した。

Zhang氏は、モバイルメッセージングアプリの急速的に普及したことも理由に挙げる。しかし、Sina WeiboやTencentのWeChatのようなアプリの普及展開を目指している我々の読者にとっては、さほど驚くべきニュースではない。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 20 hours
takeshi64 takeshi64