Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Native Japanese ] I apologize mistake, I called Simms and I was informed that it was the chest/...

Original Texts
I apologize mistake, I called Simms and I was informed that it was the chest/hip pack that came on the Tech Pack that is why we sent you the chest/hip pack. I also stated in the email that we would be sending you a chest/hip pack. I have just been informed that it was supposed to be the Simms Chest Pack that we were supposed to send you. We will go ahead and get the Chest Pack shipped out to you. Would you like to keep the additional chest/hip pack that you have just received and pay for it or would you be okay sending it back to us the most economical way and we will reimburse you for the return shipping as long as a receipt is included? Again, I am so sincerely sorry for all of the hassle with your order.
Translated by yoggie
間違いをしてしまい、申し訳ありません。私は、Simmsに電話をし、Tech Packで送られてくるのが、そのチェスト/ヒップパックだと知らされておりましたため、そのチェスト/ヒップパックをあなたにお送りしたのです。また、メールでも、チェスト/ヒップパックをお送りすると伝えておりました。あなたにお送りするのは、Simms のチェストパックだと知らされていたのです。すでにあなた宛てに出荷したチェストパックを取り戻すよう、手配いたします。よろしければ、受け取られた方のチェストパックを引き取っていただき、その分お支払いただけますでしょうか?あるいは、一番安い方法で私どもに送り返していただけますか?領収書がある場合に限り、その返送分の送料は、返金させていただきます。今回のご注文に際して、ご面倒をおかけしましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
38 minutes
yoggie yoggie