Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I'm also excited as much as you are! Don't pass out when you see him lol. I c...

Original Texts
私もあなたと同じ位興奮してるわ!彼に会って気絶しないよう気をつけてね(笑) 私もいい考えが浮かばないわ。私があなただったら彼に会ったとたん、緊張して頭が真っ白になって何も言えなくなると思う(笑) メモに質問を書いておくと良いと思う。彼は"誰とデュエットしたい?"とかはうんざりする質問だと以前言ってたからそういう質問は避けたほうがいいわね。もし時間があったら、日本の夏は凄く湿度が高くて暑いから日本に来る時は身体に気をつけてと伝えて下さい。とにかく貴重な時間を楽しんで下さい
Translated by mini373
I'm also excited as much as you are! Don't pass out when you see him lol. I can't come up with good ideas either. If I were you, I would be pale and wouldn't be able to say anything lol. I think you should write down what you want to ask him. He said before that he is sick of questions like "who do you want to duet with?" so you better avoid that kind of questions. If you get chance, please tell him that because summer in Japan is very humid and hot he should be careful with his health when he comes. Anyway, enjoy your valuable time.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
20 minutes
mini373 mini373