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If anything, Nintendo's Wii proved a winner from the games perspective.
And, while Microsoft was searching for toeholds in new markets,away from its traditional Windows OS software,Gates was searching for meaning in his work, trying to implement new management structures that would unlock even greater value for his company.In 2000 he had appointed long time friend and colleague Steve Ballmer as CEO, and taken on the title of chief software architect.With the move, Gates vowed to return 'to what I love most - focusing on technologies for the future'.
Inevitably though,Gates continued to cast a long shadow over his new CEO and the company.On a personal level the question for Gates was: 'What next?'
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マイクロソフトが、従来のWindows OSとは別の市場への参入の足掛かりを探していたころ、ゲイツはマイクロソフトにさらなる価値をもたらす組織運営の方法構築することにより、彼自身の仕事の意味を探していた。2000年に、ゲイツは長年の友人で同僚でもあったスティーブバルマーをCEOに任命すると同時に、自身はチーフアーキテクトに就任した。これにより、ゲイツは「私が最も愛する者、つまり将来の技術への集中」へと復帰することを誓った。