Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I use Yamato for transportation company. I asked Yamato the shipping charge t...

Original Texts
配送会社はヤマト運輸を利用します。ヤマト運輸にドイツまでの送料を聞いたら、30450JPY 、今の為替レートで約240EUROかかります。また、ドイツでの通関にかかる関税・輸入消費税等はあなた達の負担になります。その点、ご了承ください。送料が高くて私も驚きました。あなた達にはいつも割引してもらっているので、送料の半分の120EUROは私が支払っても良いです。ご検討宜しくお願い致します。
Translated by sujiko
I use Yamato for transportation company. I asked Yamato the shipping charge to Germany and found that it costs about 240 Euro at current exchange rate. You have to pay customs duties and consumption tax for import that are required at customs clearance in Germany. Please understand it. I was also surprised that the shipping charge is high. As you are always giving me a discount, I can pay 120 Euro that is half of the shipping charge. Thank you for your consideration.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
4 minutes
sujiko sujiko