Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] This hand replica comes only with the complete Young guitars January editio...

Original Texts
このハンドレプリカは、2015年と2016年のヤングギター1月号の完全限定付録です。手形は金属製プレートに滑らかな凹凸を付けて再現されていて実寸大です。関節部のシワなどもリアルに表現されています。 本体の左下には各ギタリストのネーム・プレート、右下には本人直筆サインが刻印されています。材質はブリキです。日本でもコレクターに人気の為、入手が困難になってきています。自分の左手を重ねて、手の大きさを比べてみたり、壁に飾ってミュージアムのようにするのもGoodです!サンプル送ります。
Translated by kamitoki

This hand replica comes only with the complete Young guitars January edition 2015 and 2016. The handprint is a revival with a smooth textured surface on the metal plate and is the actual size. It is realistic even down to the lines at the joints. At the lower left is a nameplate of each guitarist, and at the lower right is the etched their signature, signed by the guitarist themselves. The material is brick. It's a popular collector's item even in Japan therefore it has become hard to get. By placing your own left hand over it, you can try comparing your hand sizes, and it's good for decorating your wall like a museum piece. I will send a sample.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
24 minutes
kamitoki kamitoki
JLPT Level 2 passer
JLPT Level 1 60%
Translated various Japanese-English do...