Notice of Conyac Termination

Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] We received an order from them for this brand after three years. He had been ...

Original Texts
彼らから、3年ぶりにこのブランドを発注をもらいました。彼は、今まで弊社より安い価格で購入している問屋から購入にしていました。今回 この価格だから購入を検討して頂きました。
Translated by shimauma
I received an order of this brand from them first time in 3 years. They had been purchasing the item from a wholesaler that sold it for a cheaper price than ours. However, they decided to purchase from me this time because of this reasonable price. I'm afraid to ask you to please sell it for their desired price this time. They said there were other wholesalers that offered the same item on the same condition. I received an order from them on this condition. As this brand is also available at other wholesalers, they would like to order it from a shop that offers the best condition.
If this item can not be shipped out within this month, they would like to cancel it.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
10 minutes
shimauma shimauma
静岡県出身、ドイツ在住のshimaumaと申します。英⇄日(TOEIC960レベル)、独⇄日(TELC B2レベル)に対応可能です。非ネイティブのブローク...