Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Have you used your picture as the icon of the Facebook before? I thought tha...

Original Texts
私は来月か再来月からEnglish schoolに通おうと思っています。仕事で話せた方がやはり優位だし、世界も広がるだろうし、何よりあなたとおしゃべりできるでしょう。通い出すと、お金も時間も掛かるし、継続できるか不安でなかなか勇気でなかったけどがんばってみようと思う!応援してね!
Translated by fujisawa_2014
Did you previously use your own photo as Facebook icon? At that time, I was not following you yet, but I think I saw that photo.
I am going to English School from next month or the month after next. The priority is to learn to speak in the work, and to widen my world, but, above all be I want to be able to chat with you. Once I start, it is going to take money and time, but I think I'll try my best to continue! Please cheer me!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
11 minutes
fujisawa_2014 fujisawa_2014
Starter (High)