I've had this amp for some time and have just gotten around to completing the necessary updating, service and restoration. The work included a complete disassembly, cleaning, inspection, and checkout. All eight lamps were replaced, four new tall McFeet were installed, a new power cord installed and a brand new factory glass front panel was installed.
Is the "Light Diffuser Screen" something you can install for an additional charge ?
If so , how much extra ?
They are no longer available from McIntosh, which is the rub.
It's a simple 1/8" thick Plexiglas sheet with openings to absorb pilot lamp light and distribute it out to the beautiful backlit green/gold lettering. Dave
これは表示灯の光を吸収しバックライトで緑/ゴールドのレタリングを映し出すための、開口部のついたシンプルな 1/8インチの厚いプレキシグラスシートです。 デーブ