Ecommerce players would be hard-pressed to find anyone with as much skin in the game globally as SoftBank or Sequoia. Tanuwijaya has chosen his investors wisely. He explained to Tech in Asia that Tokopedia was fortunate enough to have its pick of the crop. But apart from US$100 million in fresh capital, Tokopedia can now ideally position itself to see an Alibaba-like trajectory. That’s something worth talking about, as a behemoth company coming out of Jakarta would lay to rest any claims that the Indonesian market is overhyped.
eコマース業界でソフトバンクやSequoiaほどグローバルにリスクをとった勝負をかけられる企業を探すのは難しいだろう。Tanuwijaya氏は賢明に投資家を選んだのだ。Tanuwijaya氏はTech in Asiaに対して、Tokopediaが投資家を選ぶことができたのは幸運なことであったと語った。だが、1億米ドルの増資を除けば、Tokopediaは今Alibabaのような軌跡に乗る理想的なポジションにあるということを強調しておきたい。ジャカルタ発の巨獣のような企業がインドネシア市場は見掛け倒しだという風評を蹴散らすことになるのだろうか。
The key ingredient in this new equation for Tokopedia is that both SoftBank and Sequoia Capital were early investors in Alibaba. Tanuwijaya, who has publicly voiced his admiration for Jack Ma, says, “SoftBank’s close partnership with Alibaba and their experience with building the world’s most highly valued marketplace will be invaluable for Tokopedia.”
Tokopediaのこの新たな方程式のミソはソフトバンクとSequoiaがともにAlibabaの起業当初から投資していたことだ。公式にもJack Ma氏を賞賛するTanuwijaya氏はこう語った。「ソフトバンクのAlibabaとの緊密な関係と、世界で最も高い評価を受けるeコマース市場を構築した経験はTokopediaにとって計り知れないものになるでしょう」。
When asked why Sequoia Capital is particularly advantageous for Tokopedia, Tanuwijaya explained that Apple, Yahoo, Google, Linkedin, Zappos, Airbnb, WhatsApp, and Instagram are all companies that have delivered world-class products and shaped the decade. They were all backed by Sequoia in their early years.
Tech in Asia is inclined to agree with Tanuwijaya’s decision. This newly formed trio could prove to be the perfect storm that rockets Indonesia’s internet market into the stratosphere.
なぜSequoia Capitalが特にTokopediaにとって有利かを尋ねたところ、Tanuwijaya はApple, Yahoo, Google, Linkedin, Zappos, Airbnb, WhatsAppそしてInstagramの全てが世界クラスのプロダクトを届け、時代を築いてきたと説明する。彼らは、始めの数年はSequoia に支援された。